Just a Couple of Chow Hounds
Shane O’Neill and Doug Howard are a couple of good friends who have a passion for building, fixing and cooking stuff. The Chores & Chow blog was born from the desire to educate homeowners on how to be more handy around the house. The goal is to provide its readers the knowledge base to not only properly maintain their home but to acquire the skill sets to navigate home repairs and projects. Being handy around the house has many benefits, including saving money, which can be used to fund your retirement or at least your Starbucks addiction.
Of course, after a hard days work, it’s nice to enjoy the fruits of your labor. For Shane and Doug that means real good food… or steak. Anyone can agree there’s nothing quite like a great meal, yet it’s astounding how many are not comfortable in the kitchen. Even if you have a solid skill set, it’s the subtle nuances that can make a good meal a great meal. You don’t need to be trained at the Le Cordon Bleu to make great food. You just need to love food.
Every dish we make or product we review has received the Chores & Chow seal of approval. Although we do accept advertising on the site, every product we feature are products we use and recommend. We hope you enjoy the site and hope to hear from you!